Companion granite memorial with base
Granite Color: G663
Top: 30" high x 36" left to right x 6" wide
Base: 48" left to right x 12" front to back x 6" high
The price of this granite stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,699.00 |  Upright gravestone monument with base
Granite Color: Anxi
Top: 30" high x 36" left to right x 6" wide
Base: 48" left to right x 12" front to back x 6" high
The price of this companion headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,699.00 |
 This memorial gravestone includes two vases and is shown in G343 grey granite.
This memorial monument measures :
Top: 24" across x 8" wide x 36" high
Base: 42" length x14" wide x8" high
Vase: 6"x6"x10"
This headstone includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This cemetery memorial ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,879.00 |  This cemetery memorial headstone is shown in G633 grey granite.
This gravestone measures :
Top: 24" across x 36" high x 8" wide
Base: 42" length x 8" high x 14" wide
Two vases : 6" x 6" x 10"
This upright headstone includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This memorial tombstone ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $3,279.00 |
 This Gravestone is shown in granite Color : Bahama Blue
This tombstone monument measures:
Die: 20" across x 18" high x 6" wide
Base: 26" long x 12" wide x 6" high
Die: polished all five side
Base has polished top with rock cut sides
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,559.00 |  This single upright gravestone is shown in G663 grey granite.
This tombstone measures :
Top: 24" across x 8" wide x 30" high
Base : 36" length x 14"wide x 8" high
Vase: 6" x 6" x 10"
This memorial gravestone includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This headstone ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,879.00 |
 This single upright memorial is shown in G343 grey granite.
This memorial monument has a rock cut base and one polished vase.
This cemetery gravestone measures :
Top: 24" across x 8" wide x 30" high
BASE: 36" length x 14" wide x 8" high
VASE: 6" x 6" x 10"
This gravestone includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This upright memorial ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,879.00 |  This upright memorial is shown in G614 grey granite.
This gravestone memorial measures :
Base : 36" length x 14" wide x 8" high
Top : 24" across x 8" wide x 30" high
Vase : 6" x 6" x 10"
This gravestone memorial includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This monument ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities.
$3,279.00 |
 This gravestone memorial is shown in anxi red granite.
This monument measures :
Top: 30" across x 8" wide x 24" high
Base: 38" length x 8" high x 14" wide
This upright headstone includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This cemetery memorial ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,182.00 |  Double upright headstone in G633 grey granite.
This companion cemetery monument measures :
Top: 42" across x 28" high x 8" wide
Base: 60" length x 14" wide x 8" high
Vases: 6" x 6" x 10"
This memorial includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This companion monument ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities.
$2,999.00 |
 This impressive high quality solid Grade A India Red Granite Monument features a top that is polished on five sides and measures 60 inches left to right, 8 inches thick, and 28 inches tall. The base features a polished top with a polished margin and rough cut front, back, and sides. It measures 84 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches high.
The price of this double headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $8,799.00 |  DOUBLE UPRIGHT MEMORIAL GRAVESTONE IN ANXI GRANITE
TOP: 42"x8"x30"
BASE: 60"x14"x8"
VASE: 8"x6"x10"
 This inexpensive grave stone is shown in evergreen granite color.
The top has a polished front, back, top and sides.
The headstone serp top measures 42" across x 8" wide x 28" high.
The base as shown features a polished top with rough cut sides that measures 60" long x 12" wide x 6" high.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $3,799.00 |  This majestic high quality solid Grade A India Red Granite Monument really creates a presence in a memorial garden or cemetery as it features a top that is polished on five sides and measures 60 inches left to right, 8 inches thick, and 28 inches tall. The base features a polished top with a polished margin and rough cut front, back, and sides. It measures 84 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches high. A Pair of beautiful high quality turned style India Red Granite Vases are included (as shown).
The price of this companion headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $8,899.00 |
 This upright headstone is pictured in Anxi granite.
Top measures 42" across x 8" wide x 28" high
Base measures 60" long x 14" wide x 8" high
The price of this companion headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,799.00 |  This double upright companion is shown in gray granite.
Measurements for this cemetery memorial are:
Top: 60" across x 8" thick x 36" high (P2 finish)
Base: 84" long x 14" wide x 8" thick (Polished top with rough cut sides)
The price of this tombstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com Regular price: $6,200.00 Sale price: $6,000.00 |
 Pictured are G614 granite flatmarkers. These grave markers have saw cut sides. Each flatmarker measures: 8X16X6
Includes up to 30 letters and numbers , any combination of engraving.
This monument includes free shipping to a commercial address Regular price: $309.00 Sale price: $259.00 |  This gravestone marker is shown in grey granite.
This marker measures: 12x16x6 inches
Includes engraving up to 30 characters, any combination of letters and numbers.
*Ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. Regular price: $370.00 Sale price: $269.00 |
 Upright companion memorial in china pink granite.
This memorial monument has a stenciled cross , polished surface , and rock cut sides.
Measurements for this companion headstone are :
Top: 24" across x 16" high x 10" wide at the bottom
Base: 30" length x 6" high x 14" wide
This memorial monument includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This headstone ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,900.00 |  China pink gravestone slant without base.
This cemetery memorial slant measures : 36 x 14 x 10
Headstone is polished on all sides
The price of this slant gravestone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,399.00 |
TOP: 24x16x10 INCHES
BASE: 30x6x14 INCHES
The price of this affordable granite headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,459.00 |  This cemetery memorial flatmarker is shown in G614 grey granite with saw cut sides. This cemetery memorial flatmarker measures 24 inches left to right, 12 inches top to bottom, and 6 inches thick.
Includes up to 30 characters of engraving, any combination of letters or numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This item includes free shipping to a commercial address $369.00 |
 This high quality solid evergreen granite monument has a top that measures 36" across x 30" high x 6" thick and a base that measures 48" across x 6"high x 12" wide.
The price of this cemetery headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,850.00 |  Companion memorial headstone with base
Granite Color: G654 "cloud grey"
Top: 30" high x 36" left to right x 6" wide
Base: 48" left to right x 12" front to back x 6" high
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,499.00 |
 This cemetery monument is pictured in g654 " cloud grey " granite.
Included in price is :
Free shipping to your cemetery.
40 characters of engraving.
Top measures 42x30x8
Base measures 60x14x8
Vase measures 8x6x10 $3,099.00 |  Beveled grave marker
Measurements are: 12X24X10
The price of this grave bevel cemetery stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,199.00 |
 This upright monument is shown in G343 grey granite.
This memorial gravestone includes two vases.
This grave memorial measures :
Top: 42" across x 8" wide x 28" high
Base: 60" length x 14" wide x 8" high
Vases: 6" x 6" x 10"
This cemetery monument includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This grave memorial ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,999.00 |  Granite Color : G614
Bevel Measures: 24x12x8/6
2" polished margin
The price of this pillow style headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $799.00 |
The price of the bevel gravestone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $999.00 |  This lovely memorial headstone is featured in a night rose color and features flowers carved gracefully across the middle.
This cemetery headstone measures -
Top measures: 28 x 7 x 20 inches
Base measures: 34 x 6 x 14 inches
The price of this affordable upright gravestone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $4,988.00 |
BENCH: 4-0 X 1-4 X 0-4
CURVED LEGS: 0-4 X 1-2 X 1-4
BENCH BASE: 5-0 X 1-8 X 0-4
TOP: 32" X 4" X 35 "
BASE: 39 " X 15" X 4".
The price of this unique headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $6,998.00 |
 This cemetery memorial headstone is available with a beautiful carved rose design.
This monument is shown in night rose granite.
Measurements for this memorial headstone are -
Top measures: 20x7x28 inches
Base measures: 25x8.6x5.5 inches
The price of this cemetery grave stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $5,758.00 |  This radiant cemetery headstone is featured in a sandstone color with beautifully carved flowers.
This headstone measures -
Top measures: 20" X 6" X 47"
Base measures: 30" X 6" X 12"
The price of the grave stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $6,218.00 |
 This single upright headstone is pictured in G663 granite.
Top measures 20x24x6 and base measures 30x12x6.
Price includes shipping to your cemetery and up to 30 characters of engraving. Additional characters are only $2.00 each.
This gravestone ships free to a commercial address. $1,079.00 |  This upright pillow style slant is shown in India Red granite
Top of the memorial slant is all polished. And the base of this memorial headstone slant is polished on top and has a rock cut bottom.
This gravestone memorial slant measures :
Top : 36 x 24 x 10 inches
Base: 42 x 8 x 16 inches
This upright granite slant includes engraving up to 50 characters, any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This cemetery grave slant includes free shipping to a commercial address $4,200.00 |
Includes monument engraving up to 40 characters, any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This item includes free shipping to a commercial address $2,540.00 |  THIS SLANT HEADSTONE IS COLORED IN DAKOTA MAHOGANY AND IS ALL POLISHED WITH A ROCK CUT BASE. THIS HEADSTONE MEASURES: TOP 3-0X0-10X1-4 / BASE 3-8X1-2X0-6
Includes engraving up to 40 characters, any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This item includes free shipping to a commercial address $3,500.00 |
 Memorial is a Georgia grey granite flatmarker.
This gravestone flatmarker measures: 24" long x 12" wide x 3" thick
Price of this memorial marker includes up to 40 characters of engraving , any combination of letters and numbers.
This cemetery grave marker includes free shipping to a commercial addres $279.00 |  Color: Off Green / dark gray
Measurements: 42" long x 9" wide at the bottom x 13" high
The price of this stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,499.00 |
TOP MEASURES: 27" across x 6" wide x 17" high
BASE MEASURES: 36" long x 12" wide x 6" high
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,095.00 |  This high quality solid G654 Dark Gray Granite Upright Style Monument features a Top that is polished on five sides and measures 24" across x 16" high x 6" wide and a base that measures 30" long x 12" wide x 6" high with a polished top, a polished margin and rough cut front, back, and sides.
This gravestone monument comes with 40 characters of engraving.
This tombstone includes shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities.
Email us at chris@headstonesusa.com for a free proof & quote $839.00 |
 This heart shaped grave memorial is shown in granite color Morning Rose.
Measurements for this exquisite heart style memorial are:
Top: 24" across x 20" high x 6" thick (P2 finish)
Base: 30" long x 12" wide x 6" high (Polished top with rough cut edges).
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,699.00 |  THE GRANITE COLOR OF THIS HEADSTONE IS CHINA PINK.
DIE - 36 X 22 X 6 INCHES /
BASE - 42 X 6 X 12 INCHES.
 This heart-shaped upright monument is shown in Chestnut Red Granite color.
This cemetery heart-shaped headstone measures:
Top: 36" across x 6" thick x 24" high (P5 finish)
Base: 48" long x 12" wide x 6" high (Polished top & margin with the remaining sides rock cut).
The price of this inexpensive headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,899.00 |  SIMILAR TO 1ST HEART SHAPED MONUMENT MODEL, BUT THIS ONE IS MADE OF 2 STONE COLORS PRECISELY FIT TOGHETHER
TOP: 40" X 6" X 36"
BASE: 47" X 10" X 7.6"
*SHIPS FREE TO A COMMERCIAL ADDRESS WITH UNLOADING CAPABILITIES. $6,099.00 |  This beautiful slant style memorial features a polished top, front and back with rough cut sides and 2 inch bottom margin which measures 24 inches across left to right, 10 inches top to bottom, and 6 inches wide.
The price of this grave slant includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $950.00 |
 This grave slant is shown in gray granite and measures 24" across x 6" wide at the bottom x 10" high
The price of the gravestone slant memorial includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
Price includes the shipping too.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $799.00 |  This monument slant is shown inG688 grey granite.
This tombstone slant measures : 24x6x10 inches
Includes monument engraving up to 40 characters, any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This headstone includes free shipping to a commercial address $799.00 |
 This gravestone slant is shown in G663 granite.
This cemetery memorial slant measures :
Top: 24 x 10 x 16 inches
Base: 30 x 14 x 6 inches
This cemetery monument includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This memorial gravestone slant includes free shipping to a commercial address $1,499.00 |  Jet black granite memorial slant.
Face, top,and back of this gravestone slant are polished. Sides are rough cut,bottom sawed.
This cemetery memorial slant measures : 36x14x10 inches
This headstone slant includes engraving up to 40 characters, any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This cemetery monument includes free shipping to a commercial address $1,899.00 |
 This affordable cemetery slant is shown in Anxi red (grayish pink) and measures:
TOP: 36" across x 10" wide at the bottom x 14" high (polished face, rock cut top & sides, saw cut back)
BASE: 42" long x 15" wide x 6" high (Polished top / rock cut sides)
The price of this slant headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,199.00 |  This grave memorial slant is shown in evergreen granite with a rock cut base.
This cemetery monument measures :
Top: 24 x 10 x 16 inches
Base: 30 x 14 x 6 inches
This memorial slant includes engraving up to 40 characters, any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This gravestone memorial includes free shipping to a commercial address $2,199.00 |
 This grave memorial slant is shown in granite Color : Anxi
Polished front , top , and back with rock cut sides.
Measures: 30 x 14 x 10
The price of this gravestone slant includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,499.00 |  Heart shaped memorial gravestone with carved flower design.
Granite: G663
Top: 24" across x 6" wide x 20" high
Base: 30 long x 12 wide x 6 high
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,699.00 |
 Heart shaped memorial with carved flower design.
Granite: G614
Top: 24 x 20 x 6 wide inches
Base: 30 long x 12 wide x 6 high inches
This tombstone monument comes with 40 characters of engraving. Each additional character is $2 each. This cemetery memorial ships free to a commercial address. $1,699.00 |  Priced in Anxi Grantie
Measures over 6 ft. long and 42 inches tall $8,900.00 |
TOP: 40" tall X 33" length X 8" thick
BASE: 48"long X 16" wide X 8"thick
VASE: 7X7X12
The price of this angel memorial gravestone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $5,349.00 |  This beautiful headstone features a very detailed carved angel kneeling next to the upright headstone. $4,400.00 |
 This detailed designed monument of an angel holding a heart is a very unqiue memorial headstone. $5,399.00 |  This memorial slant is shown in granite color : Anxi
Polished front , saw cut back , and rock cut sides and top.
This slanted headstone measures: 24" across x 20" high x 10" wide at the bottom
The price of this affordable slant headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,699.00 |
 This double upright grave memorial is shown in gray granite.
Measurements for this companion headstone are:
Top: 36" across x 8" thick x 24" high (P5 finish)
Base: 42" long x 14" wide x 8" thick (Polished top and margin with rock cut sides).
*Price of this granite tombstone includes 40 characters of engraving and the shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities. Additional characters are $2 each. $1,999.00 |  This cemetery monument is shown in G654
This memorial headstone comes with a rock cut base and polished top.
This gravestone measures :
Top: 30" across x 24" high x 8" width
Base: 38" length x 8 high x 14" wide
This upright memorial includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This tombstone ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,940.00 |
 High Quality Solid Jet Black Granite
Top: 48" x 8" x 36"
Base: 60" x 14"x 8"
This large companion style double upright monument features a top with five polished sides and measures 48 inches left to right, 8 inches thick, and 36 inches tall set on top a base that measures 60 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches thick with a polished top and margin with rough cut sides, front, and back.
The price of this affordable monument includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $8,299.00 |  This double upright gravestone is shown in G614 grey.
This companion memorial headstone has a serp top , rock cut base and includes two vass.
This cemetery monument measures :
Top: 42" across x 28" high x 8" wide
Base: 60" length x 14" wide x 8" high
Vases: 6" x 6" x 10"
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com
$2,999.00 |
DIE: 42"x8"x28"
BASE: 60"x14"x8"
VASES: 6"x6"x10"
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,999.00 |  This magnificent high quality solid jet black granite upright memorial features a top that has a polished five finish. The top measures 54 inches left to right, 28 inches top to bottom, and is 8 inches thick. The base (as shown) is included and features a polished top and margin with rough cut front, back and sides. The base measures 72 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches high.
The price of this affordable companion headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $7,899.00 |
 This affordable cemetery headstone is shown in Bahama Blue granite color.
The monument stone serp top measures 36" across x 6" wide x 20" high.
The base as shown measures 48" long x 12" wide x 6" high.
The price of this cemetery headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,499.00 |  This affordable high quality gray granite memorial can be used as a companion or family style headstone
The square top measures 48" across x 6" wide x 24" high.
The base as shown features a polished top with rough cut sides that measures 60" long x 12" wide x 6" high.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,999.00 |
 This memorial gravestone is shown in G633 grey granite.
This cemetery monument measures :
Base: 38" length x 8" high x 14" wide
Top: 30" across x 8" wide x 24" high
This gravestone includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This cemetery tombstone ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities.
$2,199.00 |  Upright monument memorial with base
Granite Color: G633
Top: 30" high x 36" left to right x 6" wide
Base: 48" left to right x 12" front to back x 6" high
This gravestone includes up to 40 characters of engraving. Each additional character is $2 each. Price of this grave memorial includes shipping to a commercial address. $2,249.00 |
 This stunning high quality solid Evergreen Granite Upright is very versatile. It is large enough to be used for either a single or a companion memorial. It includes a serp style top with five polished sides that measures 42" across x28" tall x8"thick. The base features a polished top, a 1.5" polished margin, and a front, back, and sides that are rough cut. The base measures 60" across x 14" wide x 8" high. This model is priced to include two turned style vases, the basic engraving up to 40 characters (each additional character will be charge at $2 each), free shipping to a commercial address with unloading capabilities within the continental United States. $3,799.00 |  VERY RARE BLUE PEARL STONE USED IN THIS MONUMENT.THIS MONUMENT IS STOCKED IN A LARGE SIZE BUT OTHER SIZES ARE AVAILABLE BY ORDER. MEASUREMENTS FOR THIS MONUMENT ARE - TOP: 42"x8"x26" BASE: 54"x14"x8"
TOP: 42X8X30
BASE: 60X14X8
VASE: 8X6X10
TOP: 42"x8"x30"
BASE: 60"x14"x8"
VASE: 8"x6"x10"
 This memorial gravestone is shown in G633 grey granite.
This upright monument has a stenciled flower in upper corner.
This gravestone memorial measures :
Top: 30" across x 24" high x 6" wide
Base: 36" length x 6" high x 12" wide
The price of this cemetery stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,799.00 |  This grave marker is shown in G663 granite.
This cemetery monument measures :
Top: 30" across x 6" wide x 20" high
Base: 36" long x 12" wide x 6" high
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,699.00 |
 This upright headstone is shown in anxi red granite.
This cemetery monument has a stenciled flower in upper corner.
This grave memorial measures :
Top: 30" across x 24" high x 6" wide
Base: 36" length x 6" high x 12" wide
The price of this upright headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,527.00 |  High Quality Solid Gray Granite
Top: 30" x 6" x 20"
Base: 42" x 12" x 6"
This model features a top that measures 30 inches left to right x 6 inches thick x 20 inches tall with a polished front and back and a rough cut top and sides. The base measures 42 inches left to right x 12 inches wide x 6 inches thick with a polished top and rough cut front, back, and sides.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $935.00 |
 This cemetery gravestone flatmarker is shown in evergreen granite. This memorial gravestone flatmarker measures: 24x12x4
Includes up to 40 characters of engraving , any combination of letters or numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This item includes free shipping to a commercial address and a free consultation. $999.00 |  This cemetery memorial flatmarker is shown in G663 grey granite with saw cut sides.
This gravestone flatmarker measures : 24 x 12 x 4
Includes up to 30 characters of engraving, any combination of letters or numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This item includes free shipping to a commercial address Regular price: $599.00 Sale price: $559.00 |
 This lovely memorial monument with detailed carved angel with heart makes this headstone very unique.
This monument can be ordered in any size and color. $4,900.00 |  This lovely memorial monument with detailed carved angel with heart makes this headstone very unique.
This monument can be ordered in any size and color. $4,900.00 |
 This eye-catching high quality solid Jet Black Leaning Angel Upright Monument features an intricately carved angel on the left side with plenty of room for personalization on the polished face of the upright. As shown, this monument has a top that measures 40x 8 x 36 and a base that measures 48x 14x8 but call or email us for a custom quote with your preferred Granite color and size restrictions. $7,400.00 |  This high quality solid jet black granite carved angel upright memorial is priced to include a base (which is not pictured) and features a highly detailed carved angel on the left side leaning on an upright polished face with plenty of room for personalization. This monument is available in a variety of colors and sizes. For more information and a custom quote specific to your needs please call or email us with your design requirements. $7,400.00 |
 This headstone has a very unqiue design with detailed carvings. $5,300.00 |  This unique designed angel monument is shown in a G614 gray granite and has very detailed carving featuring an angel holding a bouquet of flowers and weeping. This lovely headstone can be ordered in any size. This monument measures 30 inches across and 18 inches to the top of the wing. The bottom part of the slant measures 10 inches thick and where the angel is connected it measures 18 inches thick. The slant face measures approx 14 inches.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $4,099.00 |
 This stunning high quality solid jet black Angel and Heart Monument has intricately carved details on both the front and back as shown. It has a top that measures 36 inches left to right 32 inches top to bottom and is 8 inches thick. The price includes a bevel style base with a polished top and front with the remainder of the base rough cut that measures 48 inches left to right, 14 inches in width and 8 inches thick.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com Regular price: $5,499.00 Sale price: $4,999.00 |  This stunning high quality solid G343 Gray Granite Carved Angel with Polished Heart Memorial features a top that measures 36 inches left to right, thirty-two inches top to bottom, and 8 inches thick. The base features a polished top and polished front with a rough cut margin across the bottom, rough cut sides and back that measures 48 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches high. Priced to include basic engraving (up to 40 characters) and shipping to a commercial address with unloading capabilities within the Continental United States. Regular price: $4,799.00 Sale price: $4,399.00 |
 This beautiful cemetery monument has a beveled base that measures 42x14x8 and a top that measures 34x27x8 with a highly detailed angel holding a heart carved out of a single piece of jet black granite.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $5,899.00 |  This beautiful cemetery marker has a beveled base that measures 48x16x8 inches, a top that measures 40x33x8inches, a vase that measures 7x7x12inches. It features a three dimensional highly detailed and beautiful angel with flowing hair embracing a heart.
The price of this angel and heart granite headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $5,349.00 |
 This absolutely stunning IMG 9 style monument has a beveled base that measures 42x14x8 inches and a top that measures 34x27x8 inches and consists of a three dimensional carved heart and angel in high quality solid G663 granite.
The price of this angel carved headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $5,699.00 |  THIS GRAVESTONE FEATURES A CARVED ANGEL HOLDING A HEART AND INCLUDES A VASE.
TOP: 40" tall X 33" length X 8" thick
BASE: 48"long X 16" wide X 8"thick
VASE: 7X7X12
The price of this carved angel headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $5,549.00 |
TOP: 40" tall X 33" length X 8" thick
BASE: 48"long X 16" wide X 8"thick
VASE: 7X7X12
*SHIPS FREE TO A COMMERCIAL ADDRESS WITH UNLOADING CAPABILITIES. $5,349.00 |  This exquisite headstone is strikingly beautiful with a carved angel.
Measurements for this memorial gravestone are:
Top: 33" X 12" X 48".
Base: 40" X 18" X 4"
This gravestone is stocked 12 inches thick rare blue granite
This cemetery grave memorial can be ordered in any size or color.
The price of this cemetery grave stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $10,400.00 |
 This slant grave marker is pictured in jet black granite.
Top measures 36x14x10 and base measures 42x15x6 .
The price of this slant headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,899.00 |  This heart-shaped slant memorial is shown in SD Pink granite color.
Measurements for this heart-shaped gravestone are:
24" across x 10" thick @ the bottom x 18" high
The price of this heart style slant includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,599.00 |
 This memorial gravestone is shown in G614 grey granite.
This cemetery monument slant measures :36x14x10 inches.
This memorial monument slant includes basic engraving , up to 40 characters. Additional characters are $2 each.
This memorial slant includes free shipping to a commercial address $1,099.00 |  Jet black granite memorial cemetery slant headstone
This jet black gravestone slant has a polished face and back side with rock cut sides and rock cut base.
This tombstone slant measures :
Top: 36 x 14 x 10 inches
Rock cut base: 15 x 36 x 4 inches
Memorial grave slant inlcudes basic engraving, up to 40 characters. Additional characters are 42 each.
This granite memorial slant includes free shipping to a commercial address Regular price: $1,899.00 Sale price: $1,799.00 |
 Model : SP10 Black
This memorial gravestone is shown in granite color : black
Polished front , saw cut back , and rock cut sides and top.
This monument measures: 24" across x 20" high x 10" wide at the bottom
The price of this black granite slant includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,499.00 |  This gravestone slant is shown in G654 grey granite.
This cemetery memorial slant style headstone measures:
TOP: 36 x 14 x 10 INCHES
BASE: 42 x 15 x 6 INCHES
Face of monument and top of base polished,sides are rough cut, back and bottom are saw cut
The price of this affordable slant stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,799.00 |
 Cemetery gravestone slant in G614 Grey Granite
This memorial slant measures : 30 x 10 x 16 inches
Polished front , saw cut back , rock cut sides and top
This cemetery slant includes 30 characters of engraving. Each additional character is $2 each.
Includes shipping to a commercial address $1,399.00 |  Cemetery gravestone slant in G633 Grey Granite
This memorial slant measures : 30 x 10 x 16 inches
Polished front , saw cut back , rock cut sides and top
This cemetery slant includes 30 characters of engraving. Each additional character is $2 each.
Includes shipping to a commercial address $1,399.00 |
 Cemetery gravestone slant in Anxi Red Granite
This memorial slant measures : 30 x 10 x 16 inches
Polished front , saw cut back , rock cut sides and top
This cemetery slant includes 30 characters of engraving. Each additional character is $2 each.
Includes shipping to a commercial address $1,399.00 |  This tombstone slant is shown in granite color : G614
Polished front , top , and back with rock cut sides.
Measures: 30 x 14 x 10
The price of this grave slant tombstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $999.00 |
 Cemetery gravestone slant in Black Granite
This memorial slant measures : 30 x 10 x 16 inches
Polished face , back , top , rough cut sides ,saw cut bottom
This cemetery slant includes 30 characters of engraving. Each additional character is $2 each.
Includes shipping to a commercial address $1,599.00 |  This double upright slant gravestone is shown in top grade jet black granite.
The top part / slant is all polished.
The base of this gravestone is polished on top and has a rock cut bottom.
This upright granite headstone slant measures :
Top: 36 x 24 x 10 inches
Base: 42 x 8 x 16 inches
This cemetery monument includes engraving up to 50 characters, any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
This cemetery memorial upright slant includes free shipping to a commercial address Regular price: $4,360.00 Sale price: $3,998.00 |
TOP ALL POLOISHED, BASE FEATURES POLISHED LIP WITH BALANCE ON SIDES ROCK CUT Regular price: $3,360.00 Sale price: $2,940.00 |  This beautiful high quality solid India Red Granite memorial features a top that has five polished sides and measures 20 inches left to right, 26 inches top to bottom, and is 6 inches thick. The base is polished on top with rough cut front, back, and sides and measures 30 inches left to right, 12 inches wide, and 6 inches high.
The price of this granite stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,699.00 |
 This beautiful high quality solid India Red Granite memorial features a top that has five polished sides and measures 20 inches left to right, 26 inches top to bottom, and is 6 inches thick. The base is polished on top with rough cut front, back, and sides and measures 30 inches left to right, 12 inches wide, and 6 inches high.
The price of this granite stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,699.00 |  This upright grave memorial is shown in Salisbury Pink Granite color.
Measurements for this cemetery monument are:
Top: 24" across x 6" thick x 24" high (P2 finish)
Base: 36" long x 12" wide x 6" high (Polished top with rock cut sides).
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,799.00 |
 This cemetery monument is pictured in granite color G654 , cloud grey.
Top measures: 20" across x 6" wide x 24" high
Base measures: 30" long x 12" wide x 6" high
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,079.00 |  Granite Color : G633
Die: 24" across x 6" wide x 16" high
Base: 30" long x 12" wide x 6" high
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $899.00 |
 P-02 Salisbury Pink Upright Memorial Headstone
Top: 30" across x 6" wide x 20" high (polished front and back with a rock cut top and sides)
Base: 36" long x 12" wide x 6" thick (polished top with rock cut sides)
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,699.00 |  GRANITE G343 MEMORIAL BENCH / THIS MEMORIAL BENCH MEASURES -
BENCH: 4-0 X 1-4 X 0-4
CURVED LEGS: 0-4 X 1-2 X 1-4
BENCH BASE: 5-0 X 1-8 X 0-4
VASE: 6 X 10 $1,800.00 |
We have several unique headstone and monument designs at affordable prices. | We have several unique headstone and monument designs at affordable prices. |
We have several unique headstone and monument designs at affordable prices. | We have several unique headstone and monument designs at affordable prices. |
DIE: 42"across x 28"tall x 8"thick (P2 finish)
BASE: 60" long x 14" wide x8"thick
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com Regular price: $2,999.00 Sale price: $2,899.00 |
 This cemetery monument is pictured in G654 "cloud grey" granite.
Top measures 42x28x8
Base measures 60x14x8
2 Vases measure 6x6x10
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $3,099.00 |  This double upright gravestone is shown in Black Grade A Granite.
This companion memorial headstone has a serp top , rock cut base and includes two vass.
This cemetery monument measures :
Top: 42" across x 28" high x 8" wide
Base: 60" length x 14" wide x 8" high
Vases: 6" x 6" x 10"
The price of this double upright headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $3,799.00 |
 High Quality Solid Jet Black Granite
Top: 48" x 6" x 20"
Base: 60" x 14"x 8"
This large companion style double upright monument features five polished sides that provide ample room for customization while measuring 48 inches left to right, 6 inches thick, and 20 inches tall set on top a base that measures 60 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches thick with a polished top, polished margin, and rough cut sides, front, and back.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $4,699.00 |  Unique Black Granite Upright Memorial
This exquisite shaped memorial features a top that is polished on all five sides and measures 42" across x 6" wide x 26" high.
The price also includes a base that measures 54" long x 12" wide x 6" high with a polished top and 1.5 inches polished margin with the remainder of the base rock cut.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $3,099.00 |
 High Quality Solid Jet Black Granite
Top: 48" x 8" x 36"
Base: 60" x 14" x 8"
Vase: One Rounded Style
This large companion style double upright monument features a top with five polished sides and measures 48 inches left to right, 8 inches thick, and 36 inches tall set on top a base that measures 60 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches thick with a polished top and margin with rough cut sides, front, and back. This memorial is priced to include one rounded style vase (as shown).
The price of this inexpensive gravestone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $8,449.00 |  High Quality Solid Jet Black Granite
Top: 48" x 8" x 24"
Base: 60" x 14"x 8"
This large companion style double upright monument features five polished sides and measures 48 inches left to right, 8 inches thick, and 24 inches tall set on top a base that measures 60 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches thick with a polished top and rough cut sides, front, and back.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $6,699.00 |
 This cemetery monument is shown in jet lack granite.
This memorial headstone comes with a rock cut base and polished top.
This gravestone measures :
Top: 30" across x 24" high x 8" width
Base: 38" length x 8 high x 14" wide
This upright memorial includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This tombstone ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $3,549.00 |  High Quality Solid Jet Black Granite
Top: 48" x 8" x 24"
Base: 60" x 14"x 8"
Vase: One Rounded Style Vase
This large companion style double upright monument features five polished sides and measures 48 inches left to right, 8 inches thick, and 24 inches tall set on top a base that measures 60 inches left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches thick with a polished top and rough cut sides, front, and back. This memorial is priced to include one rounded style vase (as shown) as well as shipping to a commercial address with unloading capabilities in the lower 48 states, and up to 40 characters of engraving. $6,799.00 |
 This memorial monument is shown in G663 granite.
This gravestone measures :
Top: 30" across x 8" wide x 24" high
Base: 38" length x 8" high x 14" wide
This upright headstone includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This memorial grave marker ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,659.00 |  This memorial monument is shown in G663 granite.
This gravestone measures :
Top: 30" across x 8" wide x 24" high
Base: 38" length x 8" high x 14" wide
This upright headstone includes engraving up to 40 characters , any combination of letters and numbers. Additional characters are $2 each.
*This memorial grave marker ships free to a commercial address with unloading capabilities. $2,659.00 |
 This colossal companion upright memorial is shown in India Black.
Measurements for this monumental gravestone are:
Top: 54" across x 10" thick x 28" high (P5 finish)
Base: 72" long x 16" wide x 10" thick (Polished top with rough cut sides).
The price of this granite cemetery tombstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $7,349.00 |  This single upright is shown in G633 grey color granite with a rock cut base.
This memorial gravestone measures :
Top: 20" across x 24" high x 6" wide
Base: 30" long x 6" high x 12" wide
The price of this grave stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,299.00 |
 This versatile high quality solid Gray Granite Bevel features a polished top with rough cut front, back, and sides. It measures 36 inches left to right, 12 inches top to bottom, 6 inches thick at the most wide point of bevel and 4.5 inches thick at the most narrow point.
The price of this cemetery bevel granite stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $965.00 |  This heart shaped bevel gravestone is shown in pink granite with a polished top and rock cut sides.
Measurements for this granite bevel are:
16" x 15" x 5-4"
The price of the heart bevel stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $899.00 |
 This open book or open bible style bevel marker is shown here in our high quality solid jet black granite and can be used for an individual or as a companion memorial. It measures 24 inches left to right, 12 inches top to bottom, and the bevel or slant is 12 inches thick at its widest point and 10 inches thick at its most narrow point. This is a great way to pay tribute at an affordable price.
The price of this bible shaped gravestone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $1,299.00 |  THIS GRAVE MEMORIAL MEASURES -
TOP: 36"X8"X36"
BASE: 60"X14"X8"
The price of this carved angel headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com Regular price: $6,799.00 Sale price: $6,499.00 |
 This high quality solid jet black granite monument features a highly detailed angel embracing a heart and has a beveled base that measures 48"long X 16" wide X 8"thick and a top that measures 40" tall X 33" length X 8" thick.
This memorial is priced to include a high quality solid granite vase that measures 7x7x12 inches, free shipping within the Continental United States to a commercial address with unloading capabilities, a free consultation, and up to 40 characters of basic engraving. $8,049.00 |  This absolutely stunning and uniquely designed angel monument is shown in a high quality solid jet black granite and has very detailed carving featuring an angel holding a bouquet of flowers and weeping. This lovely headstone can be ordered in any size. This monument measures 30 inches across and 18 inches to the top of the wing. The bottom part of the slant measures 10 inches thick and where the angel is connected it measures 18 inches thick. The slant face measures approx 14 inches.
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $4,899.00 |
 This high quality solid jet black monument features a unique oval shape and one stunning angel on each side of the memorial face. For more information such as the specific sizes of this headstone please contact us by email or phone for a custom quote. $10,400.00 |  This absolutely stunning monument features a pair of intricately carved angels that are detailed on both the front and the back with a three dimensional heart that is polished with ample room for personalization and customization on both the front and back. The top measures 60 inches left to right, is 8 inches thick, and is 36 inches top to bottom. The bevel style base is polished on the top and front with a rough cut margin across the bottom, and rough cut sides and back that measures 72" left to right, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches high.
The price of this unique headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $8,900.00 |
 This Gravestone is shown in granite Color : Anxi
This tombstone monument measures:
Die: 20" across x 18" high x 6" wide
Base: 26" long x 12" wide x 6" high
Die: polished all five side
Base has polished top with rock cut sides
The price of the stone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $919.00 |  This affordable grave headstone is shown in Dakota Mahogany granite color.
The grave stone serp top measures 36" across x 6" wide x 20" high.
The base as shown features a polished top with rough cut sides that measures 48" long x 12" wide x 6" high.
The price of this headstone includes 40 characters of sandblasted engraving. Additional sandblasted characters of engraving will be $2 each. Designs and/or photos are an additional cost and can be located in the Information Center.
It is free shipping to a commercial address that has unloading capabilities (your contact person must unload the pallet off of the freight truck). If unloading is an issue we can ship with a lift-gate ($50 fee). This will allow the driver to set the pallet on the ground. Your setter will still need to open the crate and install the memorial.
Free proof and quote available by emailing us at chris@headstonesusa.com $2,399.00 |